The Guardian (21/6/17) : Le coût caché de la parité dans les universités US : les femmes portent 2/3 de la dette étudiante

Publié le par SLU Orléans

The Guardian (21/6/17) : Le coût caché de la parité dans les universités US : les femmes portent 2/3 de la dette étudiante
Women owe two-thirds of student loan debt. This points to a slow-burning crisis
Women are borrowing more to ‘get ahead’ on the career ladder, only to find their futures constrained by the shackles of debt .
By many measures, women have leapt ahead of their male peers in higher education. Today they have higher college enrollment and graduate at higher rates, and on many campuses, women’s and gender studies programs have mushroomed on campuses nationwide. But women’s educational advancement hasn’t come cheap.
The hidden cost of academic gender parity, according to a new analysis by the American Association of University Women, is a disproportionate student debt burden; women are borrowing more to “get ahead” on the career ladder, only to find their futures constrained by the shackles of debt. Lire la suite ICI

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